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1.8. Speaking - Unit 1. Eat, drink and be healthy - SBT Tiếng Anh 11 English Discovery

1. Translate the phrases into your own language. 2 Choose the appropriate response.3 Complete the dialogue between Scott and Owen. The first letters are given.

Cuộn nhanh đến câu

Bài 1

1. Translate the phrases into your own language.

(Dịch các cụm từ sang ngôn ngữ của riêng bạn.)

What do you think about...? _____________________


I think ... _____________________

I (just) don't think... If you ask me... _____________________


The thing is ... _____________________

To be honest... _____________________


I agree. _____________________

That's true. _____________________

Absolutely! _____________________


I'm not so sure about that. _____________________

I'm not convinced. _____________________


That's not true. _____________________

I'm sorry, I don't agree with you. _____________________


No way! (informal) _____________________

Are you kidding? (informal) _____________________

I'm afraid I completely disagree. _____________________


Personally, I don't feel strongly one way or the other. _____________________

Bài 2

2 Choose the appropriate response.

(Chọn câu trả lời thích hợp.)


Tim: What do you think about the fact that professional footballers are paid so much money?

Tom: To be honest / No way, I think it's ridiculous.


Jane: Do you think we will win the next World Cup?

Jean: Are you kidding? / That's true. With our current team we don't have a chance.


Paul: Aerobics is only for women.

Paula: That's not true / I agree. There are several men in my class.


Sarah: Oh come on, referee! That was clearly a foul. Don't you think, Sam?

Sam: I'm not convinced / Absolutely. It looked OK to me.

Bài 3

3 Complete the dialogue between Scott and Owen. The first letters are given.

(Hoàn thành cuộc đối thoại giữa Scott và Owen. Những chữ cái đầu tiên được cho sẵn.)

Scott: Did you see that there's going to be a big boxing match at the new stadium next month? Do you fancy going?

Owen: Boxing? No thanks. In my opinion, boxing isn't even a sport. I think it's horrible.

Scott: Really? Well, I'm 1 s____, I don’t a___ w___ y___. I think it's really exciting to watch. Boxers are skilled athletes.

Owen: 2 A____ you k___? Watching grown men try and kill each other is not what I call exciting. Personally, I don't find violence entertaining.

Scott: I'm 3 n___ c____. People have been playing and watching violent sports for thousands of years.

Owen: 4 T___ t___, but that doesn't make it right. People have been fighting wars for thousands of years. Do you think war is exciting too?

Scott: Of course not, but I 5 d___ t___ you  can compare boxing to war. For a start, the boxers have a choice. They don't have to fight.

Owen: Well, if you 6 a___ m___, there's always a choice whether it's boxing or war.

Scott: Well, perhaps. Hey, how about this - maybe instead of fighting wars, we could put world leaders in the boxing ring. I bet you'd watch that.

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