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Getting Started - trang 48 Unit 5 SGK Tiếng Anh 10 mới

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

Cuộn nhanh đến câu

Bài 1

Computers and our lives 

(Máy tính và cuộc sống của chúng ta)

1. Listen and read.

(Lắng nghe và đọc.)



Phong: Dad, you promised to reward me if I passed the English test. Well, I did!

Phong’s father: OK. What do you want-a laptop, a video game, an e-book reader, or a smartphone?

Phong: Wow. Dad. You're so generous. My old mobile phone is still good. Um... the screen of an electronic book is rather small, so I think a laptop will be my choice.

Phong’s father: What a wise choice, Phong! A laptop has lots of benefits. It's portable, so you can take it with you: it’s economical, so we don't have to spend too much money; and it’s very versatile, as it can do many things.

Phong: When you were my age, you didn't have a computer, did you? Phong’s father: Of course not. No emails, no online games. no Internet, no online shopping. no ...

Phong: How could you live without those things?

Phong’s father: We did. But computers have really changed our lives. The computer is definitely one of the greatest inventions in the world. Now, tell me what you will do with your laptop. 

Phong: I'll use it to listen to music, to chat with my friends, and to playgames.

Phong’s father: Is that ail? How about for your studies?

Phong: Yeah... I'll use it for researching topics on the Web and typing my assignments as well.

Phong’s father: Right. Use it wisely, and it will be your best friend.

Bài 2

2. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

Bài 3

3. Match each word with its definition.

(Nối mỗi từ với định nghĩa của nó.)

Từ vựng


reward /rɪˈwɔːd/

trao thưởng


generous /ˈdʒenərəs/

hào phóng


wise /waɪz/

khôn ngoan, thông minh


portable /ˈpɔːtəbl/

di động, dễ mang theo


economical /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪkl/

tiết kiệm


versatile /ˈvɜːsətaɪl/

đa năng, nhiều công dụng

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