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Looking Back - trang 46 Unit 9 SGK Tiếng Anh 10 mới

Put a mark (') before the stressed syllable in each of the words in 1. Then listen and check your answers.

Cuộn nhanh đến câu

Pronunciation 1

1. Listen and repeat.

(Nghe và lặp lại.)

1. pollution (ô nhiễm)

2. erosion (xói mòn)

3. energy (năng lượng)

4. animal (động vật)

5. consumption (tiêu thụ)

6. awareness (nhận thức)

7. poverty (nghèo đói)

8. depletion (cạn kiệt)

9. solution (giải pháp)

10. protection (bảo vệ)


Pronunciation 2

2. Put a mark (') before the stressed syllable in each of the words in 1. Then listen and check your answers.

(Đặt dấu nhấn trước âm nhấn trong mỗi từ ở mục 1. Sau đó nghe và kiểm tra câu trả lời của em.) 


Vocabulary 1

1. Group the words according to their class. 

(Nhóm các từ theo loại (từ) của chúng.) 


Vocabulary 2

2. Complete the sentences using the correct words in brackets. 

(Hoàn thành những câu này bằng cách sử dụng những từ chính xác trong ngoặc đơn.) 

1. Water is one of the limited natural resources which can run out soon. All efforts should be made to _________ it. (preserve / preservation)

2. Disposal of solid waste into the local river has been the cause of water _________ in this area. (pollute / pollution)

3. _________ of environmental preservation should be raised in the public as well as in education. (aware / awareness)

4. We should _________ the limited or non-renewable natural resources for our future generations. (protection / protect)

5. The energy _________ of the community has increased since the new resort was built. (consume / consumption)

6. Over-exploitation of oil will lead to the _________ of this natural resource. (depletion / deplete)


Grammar 1

1. Read the story. Underline the sentences said by Nick, Mary and Mr Jones. 

(Đọc câu chuyện. Gạch dưới những câu được Nick, Mary và ông Jones nói.)

Mr Jones is aware of the need for environmental protection. He has two children, Nick and Mary. One weekend, the family went to the beach to have a picnic. The seashore was much polluted because of the amount of waste left there. Mr Jones was very sad. He said, ‘All this rubbish is killing fish and other sea creatures.' Nick immediately said, ‘We can clean the beach together.' Mary said, ‘I will ask our friends and neighbours to come and help us.' Mr Jones was very happy that his children wanted to help. He said, ‘I'm so happy to hear that, children.' The following week, the family came back to the beach with many of their friends and neighbours. They also brought big carrier bags. Mr Jones gave them gloves and told them, ‘Protect yourselves from germs.'


Grammar 2

2. Report what Nick, Mary and Mr Jones said.

(Đọc những gì Nick, Mary và ông Jones nói.)

1. Mr Jones was very sad and said ___________.

2. Nick said ___________.

3. Mary told them ___________.

4. Mr Jones told his children ___________.

5. Mr Jones gave the family's friends neighbours gloves and told them ___________.


Từ vựng


pollution /pəˈluːʃn/(n)

sự ô nhiễm


erosion /ɪˈrəʊʒn/(n)

sự xói mòn


consumption /kənˈsʌmpʃn/(n)

sự tiêu thụ, tiêu dùng


awareness /əˈweənəs/ (n)

sự nhận thức


poverty /ˈpɒvəti/

sự nghèo đói


depletion /dɪˈpliːʃn/(n)

sự cạn kiệt


solution /səˈluːʃn/(n)

giải pháp, cách giải quyết


protection /prəˈtekʃn/ (n)

sự bảo vệ

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