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Language - trang 27 Unit 8 SGK Tiếng Anh 10 mới

Match each of the phrases on the left with its explanation on the right.

Cuộn nhanh đến câu


1. Match each of the phrases on the left with its explanation on the right.

(Nối những cụm ở bên trái với sự giải thích ở bên phải.)

1. take notes of something

2. touch screen

3. take advantage of something

4. look something up

5. access something

a. reach and use something

b. make use of something to the fullest extent

c. search for and find something in a dictionary or a reference book

d. screen which allows giving instructions by touching

e. write something down

Bài 2

2. Read the conversation in GETTING STARTED again. Match pictures A-C with their uses as learning tools 1-6 mentioned below.

(Đọc bài đàm thoại trong phần getting started. Nối hình ảnh A-C với công dụng của chúng như là công cụ học tập 1-6 như đề cập bên dưới.)

1. access the Internet, download programmes and information

Picture: ________

2. take notes with a digital pen on a touch screen

Picture: ________

3. take photos or record students' work

Picture: ________

4. do assignments and projects, and study English

Picture: ________

5. store information, take notes, write essays and do calculations

Picture: ________

6. look up information

Picture: ________


1. Listen and repeat.

(Lắng nghe và lặp lại.)













Bài 2

2. Listen again and put a mark (') before the stressed syllable.

(Nghe lại và đặt dấu (') trước âm nhấn.) 














1. Read the following sentences from GETTING STARTED. Underline ‘which’,‘that’, ‘who’ and "whose'. What are these words used for? Decide if the clauses are defining or non­defining relative clauses.

(Đọc những câu sau từ phần Getting Started. Gạch dưới “which”, “that”, “who” và “whose”. Những từ này dùng để làm gì? Quyết định chúng là mệnh đề quan hệ xác định hay không xác định.) 

1. They're the modern devices that have changed the way we learn.

2. Smartphones can also be used to take photos or record students' work, which can be later shared with the class.

3. You can also access the Internet, download programmes, and information that can help you understand the material and widen your knowledge.

4. My laptop, which is a present from my parents, is very useful.

5. A tablet is also perfect for people whose work is to draw and write.

Bài 2

2. Match 1 -6 with a-f to make meaningful sentences.

(Nối 1-6 với a - f để làm thành câu có nghĩa.)

1. I talked to a man

2. We often visit our grandfather in Vinh,

3. Thank you very much for the book

4. The man turned out to be her son,

5. He admires people

6. Have you heard of John Atanasoff,

a. that you sent me.

b. whose invention changed the world?

c. who are wealthy and successful.

d. which is a city in central Viet Nam.

e. whose smartphone was stolen.

f. who had gone missing during the war.

Bài 3

3. Use 'who', 'which', 'that' or 'whose' to complete each of the sentences.

(Sử dụng “who”, “which”, “that” hay “whose” đế hoàn thành các câu.)

1. Personal electronic devices ________ distract students from their class work are banned in most schools.

2. The laptop ________ cover is decorated with funny animals belongs to my aunt.

3. My tablet, ________ is two years old, still works quite well.

4. Students________ have smartphones can use them to look up words in an electronic dictionary.

5. Some scientists think that children ________ parents allow them to use electronic devices early will have more advantages in the future.

6. Long, ________ is only two and a half, likes to play games on a tablet.

Từ vựng


touchscreen /ˈtʌtʃskriːn/

màn hành cảm ứng


record /ˈrekɔːd/ (v)

ghi lại, quay lại


project /ˈprɒdʒekt/

dự án


store /stɔː(r)/

lưu trữ


calculation /ˌkælkjuˈleɪʃn/

sự tính toán

Mẹo tìm đáp án nhanh

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